Tuesday 2 November 2010

Mung Day twenty three

Wowee, what an awesome day. Ok, so munging is going well. I feel great and happy. Art school was fantastic, we learnt screen printing and lino printing and I made a wicked poster of Yogi Gem. I love life, it really is the best thing in the world and I'm smitten with every single day. I'm starting to look at that attachment - why it's there, why I am riling against it and struggling to get rid of it when I should really just accept it and patiently allow it to resolve itself and move on at its own pace. For the first time, I'm wondering how far back this issue actually stems... and perhaps I have hung it on to sx for want of a better peg to hang it on. We'll see, we'll see. I'm good, happy, wonderful, sweet as peas. Thank you for such a wonderful life.

Monday 1 November 2010

Day twenty two. 22. Double swans?

I do believe we've reached day 22. Still loving it. Loving it to bits. Wish it could last forever... which it can. I'm trying to make up my mind whether to stop drinking for good. I enjoy the odd mulled cider, but perhaps it's time now to throw in the towel? Still deciding, not 100% sure. We'll see. So I'm happy, rosy cheeked and well. Detoxing is so much better than I expected. Loving it loving it loving it.

Sunday 31 October 2010


Today I had an almighty cleanse of the room. Chucked away a load of stuff, even moved stuff around (only to find that this configuration didn't work and I preferred the old one) and I attribute this to the cleansing process of the detox. Also might have something to do with the Kinesiology sesh I had yesterday. Anyway, all is good, still feeling fabbo, I'm watching the end of these 30 days approaching and kind of wish it wouldn't! I like eating mung and veg and rice. But I mustn't be daft, I should def include other things in my diet. The odd lentil here and there, for instance. I'll need to wean myself off this detox carefully, too. I've had such a humongously healthy diet for nearly a month now. Woohoo! Ok, I'm off to bed soon. Sleep tight mung world.

Saturday 30 October 2010

landed at mung day 20

Still feeling on top of the world, although a little headachey. I love mung, I love this fast, I could do it for the rest of my days, I feel so good and wholesome and healthy! My body feels happier, and it's getting happier by the day. It's so easy too, as long as I don't go out raging which I'd rather not do anyway. So yes, generally all is very well in the land of mung. I'm going for a Kinesiology session later for work. I'm interested to see what it's all about. Wow, I really do feel happy. Compare this feeling to when I eat chocolate and cookies, that awful toxic, acidic feeling inside. But now I feel good and wholesome and light! It's so good. I want to eat a mung diet forever. If only it was a little more socially acceptable! I feel happy, balanced, nutrified and good :) Love and Sat Nam x

Friday 29 October 2010

day nineteen on the mung trail

Today was yoga show day. Wow, remind me not to bother next year. It's overwhelming. Otherwise, I'm still good, I'm still plodding on through mungfest and enjoying it! I ate alot today, but that's ok. It's all good, healthy stuff and if I'm going to eat alot, I'd rather eat good healthy stuff than crap. I feel like what little weight I'm losing is being lost naturally, slowly, steadily and in a healthy way. It's like I'm shrinking ever so slightly every day. We all know that fad diets just don't work, so I'm quite happy to go along with it as this is my modus operandi going forward. I'm going to be good to my body. I'm going to fill it with health and happiness, keep it alkaline rather than shovel all this acid sugar and make it feel crap. It's alot easier. I think stuff is releasing too, although that was inevitable. It feels like sheets of plastic film are falling away and I am dissolving into clarity. Thank you and love.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

mung day seventeen, innit

Yes, day seventeen of mung bonanza has been reached. Yes, I feel good. Yes, I'm still really enjoying it, oddly enough. Sometimes I see food and I really fancy it, but it's not chocolate! It's proper savoury food. Now that is a turn up for the books. I reckon if I had a chocolate now I'd hit the roof with a sugar rush. Not pleasant, and same goes for a sugar bun. So I'll perch nicely upon my mungbeans for now thanks. I'm over half way through and it's speeding along. I think I'm going to feel quite loath to go back to normal food. Maybe I just never will. I think I'll probably make mungfest a major addition to my usual daily diet anyway. It's so bloody good for you, isn't it? Might as well. Right, onwards and upwards into this beautiful phenomenon that is my life. LOVE.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Sweet Sixteen days of mung

I feel a bit out of sorts today and I'm not sure why. I am craving pita bread?!?!?! I think I'm craving the texture of it more than anything else. My teeth are not being put to good use at the moment. I am eating nuts though. Maybe that's what made me feel weird. When I did yoga this morning I had a really noisy head. NOISY! Maybe it was all the excitement from last night's wonderful yoga class. I really enjoyed teaching! It was pure joy. I haven't lost much weight at all at all. Probably because I'm eating so much fruit. But if I'm going to stick to this diet for a month, I'm certainly not going to restrict myself in any way. Last night I was agitated and hungry and I didn't know what to eat. It was frustrating. Perhaps I am learning to detect what exactly my body wants, what it needs to nourish it. We'll see. I love life. Love it beyond any rational thinking.